Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ergun Kara Chemistry - A Story About How A Scientist Created A Robot

'Ergun Kara Chemistry' - A Story About How A Scientist Created A RobotIn the science fiction movie, 'Ergun Kara Chemistry', a robot is born out of a nuclear explosion. The film was actually a story about the endangered species of bird that was the victim of a criminal who was known to be an animal lover.A very talented chemist named Henry Cheney was working on a way to create a functional insecticide that would stop a disease carried by mosquitoes. The negative effects of the Zika virus was causing many people to be very concerned. Cheney's team had developed a way to release the insecticide from a sticky substance, which prevented it from going into the water.Cheney was told that if the chemical insecticide had been released into the water, it would have destroyed the water life around the chemical because it could become extremely toxic. Cheney was eventually able to get his work on the chemical into the water. After releasing the chemical into the water, he was able to release it slowly enough that it did not kill the aquatic life, but it was a bit too late because the mosquito population had already been affected. The mice in the lab also had become extremely obese and sick.Cheney was finally able to develop a way to use a chemical agent to kill the mosquitoes before they had the chance to reproduce. The mosquito reproduction was eventually stopped when the mosquito repellent was put on the market. Cheney then became aware of the importance of health and safety and for that reason, he was forced to leave the lab and abandon the insecticide.The role of Henry Cheney in 'Ergun Kara Chemistry' was not much different than what his team did. His character is not as famous as a number of others in the science fiction movie, but his contribution to society was very important. He was a very smart scientist who left behind a major contribution to the development of the industry of insects.According to his biography, Henry Cheney was originally recruited into the Unit ed States Air Force, but it was later found out that he was actually an immigrant from England who arrived in the United States a year after World War I ended. He later became a student of mathematics and physics at Michigan State University. He later earned a doctorate in biochemistry at the University of Illinois. Cheney worked on development of the first vaccines for infectious diseases such as rabies, flu, measles, mumps, and chicken pox.You can view some of the many great films that Dr. Henry Cheney worked on on the Science-Fiction website. There you will also find more information about the endangered species of birds that Cheney's mosquito-killing chemical helped stop. Many people have also commented that the movie is good and you should see it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Makes a Sonnet a Sonnet

What Makes a Sonnet a Sonnet Sonnets: Shakespeare's Favourite Poetic Form ChaptersSo, what is a Sonnet?The Most Important Features of a SonnetThe Main Types of SonnetThe Main Types of Sonnet: A SummaryPlaying with the Form: Other SonneteersWriting Your Own SonnetA Step by Step Guide to Writing a SonnetFind Out More about Different Poetic FormsIf you are studying poetry, Shakespeare, or English literature at any level, you will inevitably have to grasp with this thing called the  sonnet.  Any idea what this might be? No worries if not, because we are here to walk you through all aspects of this poetic form. By the time you have finished this article, you'll be able to identify the main features - metrical, thematic, and rhymed - of this literary form, and you'll be able to consider how to write your own!We hope you find it helpful!Find some fun poetry lessons on Superprof.Secondly, the sonnet, given its brief length, is great for expressing a feeling, thought, or idea. The brevity facilitates the communication of a strength of feeling that can be lost in lo nger forms.Thirdly, whilst the sonnet is traditionally known for focusing its attentions on the theme of love, the form allows for a great flexibility in its content. You will these days see sonnets written on everything from politics to war to ice cream. What makes this possible is the form's argumentative structure, which, as you will see below, is an essential part of the sonnet.The Lady of Shalott, though not a sonnet, makes use of the iambic pentameter Source: Pixabay Credit: MZ Matuszewski0The Most Important Features of a SonnetAs we saw above, a sonnet is simply a poem written in a specific form. But to recognise a sonnet when you see one, you need to know the specific characteristics of that form. So, to summarise, here are the need-to-know features of a sonnet.The Sonnet's Main FeaturesFourteen linesGenerally, all sonnets have fourteen lines. You will find some exceptions, but the poets will do this deliberately.VoltaThe fourteen lines are divided into two sections, usually of eight lines and six. The break between the two parts is known as the volta.Iambic pentameterThis is what we call the metre of the poem: the number of syllables in each line of the poem. An 'iamb' is a set of two syllables, the first unstressed and the second stressed. 'Pentameter' shows that there are five of these 'iambs' in a line. So, you have ten syllables: unstressed, stressed; unstressed, stressed, etc.Rhyme schemeDifferent types of sonnets have different rhyme schemes, and some don't rhyme at all! You'll see more about this below.Let's Add a Little More Detail...So, to flesh this about a bit, let's pay a bit more attention to each feature.Lines and StructureWe've just noted that a sonnet has fourteen lines. But what you need to remember is that depending on the type of sonnet, these lines are arranged in different ways.So, in a Petrarchan sonnet (we told you he'd come up again!), the lines are grouped into two: an octave (that means a group of eight lines) and a sestet (a group of six).In Shakespearean sonnets and Spenserian sonnets, on the other hand, you have three quatrains (four lines) and a couplet (two lines). You'll find more on how these lines rhyme in the sections on each type of sonnet below.The VoltaWhilst you will find a volta in many other forms of poetry, they are really quite important to the sonnet. What do we mean by the volta, then? In Italian, this word means 'turn' - and, in the sonnet, this is the moment at which a change occurs in the poem. This change might be in tone, argument, or thematic focus - but it is very rare to find a sonnet without one.As we note above, these usually occur after the eighth line of the poem - for Petrarch, after the octave, whilst for Shakespeare and Spenser after the second quatrain. You'll notice this change quite easily, as they are usually signaled with a 'but', 'however', or 'and'.Iambic PentameterThis may look like a scary poetry word, but don't worry about it too much. Let's break it down.'Met re' refers to the rhythmic structure of a line in poetry: how many syllables, how these are grouped together. 'Penta-' comes from the Greek word for 'five'. So, from 'pentameter' you know that the metre of a sonnet has something to do with five.As we said above, the word 'iamb' refers to a group of two syllables, one unstressed and one stressed.  There are five of these in each line when we talk about iambic pentameter. As all English literature teachers will tell you, the line will scan like this: dee-DAH  dee-DAH  dee-DAH  dee-DAH  dee-DAH.To see this in action, look at this line from Shakespeare's famous Sonnet 18, in which we have highlighted the stressed syllables:Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Count the syllables in the line (there are ten!). Now, count the stressed syllables (there are five!).But if we switch the stressed syllables with the unstressed ones, we can see how the line becomes a little clumsy:Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?The Sonnet SeriesOne of t he main historical conventions of the sonnet is that they usually come in series. Think about Shakespeare's poem above. Why is it called 'Sonnet 18'? He didn't name it that. Rather, because he wrote 154 sonnets, each individual one is known by its number.A lot of people have written sonnets in sequences. The most famous early sonneteers all wrote series: Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella; Shakespeare's  Sonnets; Spenser's  Amoretti.  This convention has remained with us, as, in the twentieth century many other writers have composed sonnet sequences: Rainer Maria Rilke's  Sonnets to Orpheus,  John Berryman's  Sonnets.  These are the things that have developed the association of sonnets with the theme of love - as all of these sequences deal with a passionate speaker talking to a loved object.The Main Types of SonnetIn the English-speaking world, we usually refer to three discrete types of sonnet: the Petrarchan, the Shakespearean, and the Spenserian.All of these maintain the featu res outlined above - fourteen lines, a volta, iambic pentameter - and they all three are written in sequences. The primary difference is the rhyme scheme.We'll look at these three types of sonnet, and then finally consider some of those that don't really fit into the structure we have all been taught.Petrarchan SonnetThe first sonnet is the Petrarchan, or Italian, sonnet. Named after one of the form's greatest practitioners, the Italian poet Petrarch, the Petrarchan sonnet was the earliest strict sonnet form (he lived from 1304 to 1374).As we noted above, the Petrarchan sonnet is divided into two stanzas: the octave (the first eight lines) followed by the answering sestet (the final six lines). Let's take a look at a Petrarchan sonnet, by the English poet William Wordsworth (as this is easier than reading medieval Italian!).London, 1802(A) Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: (B) England hath need of thee: she is a fen (B) Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, (A) Fire side, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, (A) Have forfeited their ancient English dower (B) Of inward happiness. We are selfish men; (B) Oh! raise us up, return to us again; (A) And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.(C) Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart: (D) Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea: (D) Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, (E) So didst thou travel on life's common way, (C) In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart (E) The lowliest duties on herself did lay.So, here, in the first line, we've added markings to highlight the stress of the iambic pentameter (try it for yourself in the rest of the lines!).And we've neatly highlighted the volta after the eighth line (do you see how the poem's tone changes - from a critique of England to a celebration of Milton?). In Petrarch, the volta usually separates the shift from an argument or question in the octave to a resolution in the sestet.But what do those letters mean before each line? This is how we refer to rhyme scheme, in which A rhymes with A, B with B, and where each new sound requires a new letter. So, what do we have here? ABBAABBA, CDDECE.The Petrarchan sonnet will almost always begin with that ABBAABBA octave. However, the rhyme scheme of the sestet can change - so watch out. Here, Wordsworth uses CDDECE, but the most common rhyme schemes in Petrarch are CDECDE or CDCDCD.After the Petrarchan sonnet was first brought to England by Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard began translating and writing his own versions of Petrarch. His works were considered more faithful to the original than the work of his English counterparts. He made modifications to the Petrarchan sonnet which then became the structure of what we know as the Shakespearean sonnet.This structure was established to better suit the English language which was somewhat lacking in the rhyming words that Italian boasts.The Shakespearean SonnetShakespeare's sonnets are famous worldwide (Source: Pexels)The Shakespear ean, or English sonnet, follows a different set of rules. Here, there are usually three quatrains and a couplet following a rhyme scheme like this: ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. This is the primary difference between the Petrarchan and the Shakespearean sonnet. Let's take a look at Shakespeare's Sonnet 130:(A) My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; (B) Coral is far more red, than her lips red: (A) If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; (B) If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. (C) I have seen roses damasked, red and white, (D) But no such roses see I in her cheeks; (C) And in some perfumes is there more delight (D) Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. (E) I love to hear her speak, yet well I know (F) That music hath a far more pleasing sound: (E) I grant I never saw a goddess go, (F) My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground: (G) And yet by heaven, I think my love as rare, (G) As any she belied with false compare.Much like in the Petrarchan sonne t, the Shakespearean sonnet contains a volta. There is a difference here, however. The volta can either come after the first eight lines or, as in Sonnet 130,   at the beginning of the couplet. Here, it is used to signal a conclusion, explanation, or counterargument to the previous 3 stanzas.In Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 the first twelve lines focus on the speaker’s mistress, comparing her unfavourably to nature. But the final couplet changes the tone completely, that despite all of her flaws he does love her.Shakespeare uses Sonnet 130 as a satire of other poets who compare their loves to nature’s beauty. In fact he takes it to the extreme nearly leaving the mistress completely unlovable!The Spenserian SonnetA contemporary of Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser lived from 1552 to 1559. His sequence,  Amoretti, was his main engagement with the sonnet form - and his other works included  The Faerie Queene, an allegory about Elizabeth I, and  The Shepherd's Calendar, a poem about shepherd s, surprise surprise.The Spenserian sonnet has a similar structure to a Shakespearean one, with three quatrains followed by a couplet. The interesting thing about the Spenserian sonnet is, of course, the rhyme scheme. Let's take a look at Spenser's Sonnet 75.(A) One day I wrote her name upon the strand, (B) But came the waves and washed it away: (A) Again I write it with a second hand, (B) But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. (B) Vain man, said she, that doest in vain assay, (C) A mortal thing so to immortalize, (B) For I myself shall like to this decay, (C) And eek my name be wiped out likewise. (C) Not so, (quod I) let baser things devise (D) To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: (C) My verse, your virtues rare shall eternize, (D) And in the heavens write your glorious name. (E) Where whenas death shall all the world subdue, (E) Our love shall live, and later life renew.So, what do we have here? Remembering that Shakespearean sonnets follow the ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG form, the Spenserian sonnets are slightly different: ABAB, BCBC, CDCD, EE. So, the second rhyme of the first quatrain is taken to be the first of the second quatrain. Again, it ends with a couplet.Where's the volta? Look at line nine, the first line of the final sestet. 'Not so', says Spenser, introducing a contradiction. As in Shakespeare, the volta either appears here or at the beginning of the final couplet.After first octave.ShakespeareanABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GGAfter first octave or beginning of final couplet.SpenserianABAB, BCBC, CDCD, EEAfter first octave or beginning of final couplet.Playing with the Form: Other SonneteersWhilst what we have just covered are the main historical types of sonnets, lots of poets have decided to take the basic structure of the form and change its content. Consequently, whilst these above are important to know, it is worth stressing that they are not the only forms of sonnets around.Let's take a look at just a handful of different sonnets that play w ith the conventions of the form.Carol Ann Duffy's  Anne HathawayA poem which, if you are studying literature in the UK, you will definitely confront is Carol Ann Duffy's  Anne Hathaway.  Take a read and see what she does with the sonnet form.The bed we loved in was a spinning world of forests, castles, torchlight, cliff-tops, seas where he would dive for pearls. My lover’s words were shooting stars which fell to earth as kisses on these lips; my body now a softer rhyme to his, now echo, assonance; his touch a verb dancing in the centre of a noun. Some nights I dreamed he’d written me, the bed a page beneath his writer’s hands. Romance and drama played by touch, by scent, by taste. In the other bed, the best, our guests dozed on, dribbling their prose. My living laughing love â€" I hold him in the casket of my widow’s head as he held me upon that next best bed.So, what's important here? What is one of those key features of the sonnet that is missing here?You should have notic ed: it is the rhyme scheme! Does the poem rhyme? Only in the final two lines. Other than that, the iambic pentameter is still there, as well as the volta.Elizabeth Bishop's  SonnetCaught -- the bubble in the spirit level, a creature divided; and the compass needle wobbling and wavering, undecided. Freed -- the broken thermometer's mercury running away; and the rainbow-bird from the narrow bevel of the empty mirror, flying wherever it feels like, gay!Now, how is this a sonnet? Is it a sonnet, and why? The poet, Bishop, clearly intends it to be so, entitling the poem the way she does. What do you think?E.E. Cummingshere's to opening and upward,to leaf and to sap and to your(in my arms flowering so new) self whose eyes smell of the sound of rainand here's to silent certainly mountains;and to a disappearing poet of always,snow and to morning;and to morning's beautiful friend twilight(and a first dream called ocean)andlet must or if be damned with whomever's afraid down with ought with b ecause with every brain which thinks it thinks, nor dares to feel(but up with joy;and up with laughing and drunkenness)here's to one undiscoverable guess of whose mad skill each world of blood is made (whose fatal songs are moving in the moonBesides the lack of capital letters and spaces (all of which are intentional), E.E. Cummings is known for his experiments with poetic forms. Can you recognise what he has done here to the form of the sonnet?Writing Your Own SonnetOf course if you’re writing your own sonnet you can choose any style you like. But seeing as it lends itself better to the English language and we all know many of them, our guide will stick to writing a Shakespearean-style sonnet.When writing a Shakespearean-style sonnet, there are several rules you need to keep in mind. This style of poetry follows a specific format including length, rhythm, and rhyme scheme.To write a sonnet according to these rules, follow this process: - Select a subject to write your poem about (Shakespearean sonnets are usually about love). - Write your lines in iambic pentameter (duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH. - Structure the sonnet using 3 quatrains followed by 1 couplet. - Compose your sonnet as an argument that builds up as it moves from one metaphor to the next, until you counterargue this argument in the concluding couplet. - Make sure your poem is exactly 14 lines long.Try your hand at writing your own poem (Source: Pexels)A Step by Step Guide to Writing a Sonnet1. Find InspirationWhereas Shakespeare’s sonnets generally revolve around love, you could, in fact, choose any topic for your sonnet.  You could even look to modern pop songs for inspiration!Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off is a prime (and fun!) example of iambic pentameter usage in a modern context.Other songs sung in iambic pentameter include:One Direction â€" HistoryAlessia Cara â€" Here (a particularly good example as she gives each foot’s downbeat extra stress)Halsey â€" New AmericanaG-Easy/ Bebe Rexha: Me, Myself and IGranted, not one of these songs is a sonnet but they do provide you with a way to get the feel of the iambic pentameter and different ways it can be used.If you wanted to see popular songs in sonnet form... some ingenious and creative soul has taken lyrics from the likes of Beyoncé and The Backstreet Boys and turned them into sonnets!2. Master the Iambic PentameterInternalising the iambic ‘beat’ is no chore; you could practice it while walking â€" left foot unstressed/right foot stressed, by clapping your hands (soft-LOUD soft-LOUD), drumming your fingers... any type of rhythmic activity.Mastering the iambic pentameter is vital to writing a sonnet with proper flow.Once you have found a topic to write about and internalised the iambic beat, writing a sonnet is a breeze!Remember that the first quatrain introduces the situation and, at least as far as Shakespearian sonnets are concerned, follows an ABAB pattern â€" meaning that the third line should rhy me with the first and the fourth with the second.Here is an example of just such a quatrain:Ago, I saw you walking fair one day Though fear forbade my presence should come near. Froze, the words that I could never say Though in my heart remain so very dear.Does it meet all of the criteria for a proper iambic pentameter quatrain and the opening verse of a sonnet? Let’s see:Each line contains five iambic feet (in other words, five duh-DUMs).Line three rhymes with line one and line four rhymes with line two.It outlines a situation (we wonder why the speaker fears approaching and what s/he wanted to say)3. Play with Words.You’ll note that there are several words in this stanza that generally would not be used in normal conversation, at least not in the form or in the place they are used here.Poetic license gives you permission to convey meaning by bending common language rules and expanding word meanings.Our great bard Shakespeare was famous for perverting the meaning of words; his frequent use of anon is the perfect example of such.The word anon dates back to 12th century English. Its original meaning was straightaway, or forthwith. Through Shakespeare’s persistent misuse of this word, it has come to mean the exact opposite: soon, or in a while.We can see why he loved that word: it is compact and convenient, subjecting itself neatly and repeatedly to the iambic pentameter. And it’s easy to rhyme!Make Ample Use of Poetic License â€" so long as you don’t completely vandalise the language!Poetic license permits the use of  froze instead of frozen to describe those unuttered words. Doing so even lends urgency to the situation by implying the words froze upon the sight of the person in question.4. Depict a Complete Scene in 14 Lines.To do that properly and effectively, you should use as many words and phrases that would call up visual imagery as you can.The phrase ‘fear forbade my presence to come near’ conveys so much more than ‘I had an anxiety attac k and couldn’t approach you’, even though they represent essentially the same concept, right?This stanza causes us to see fear as a looming, frightening, domineering entity denying the speaker the privilege of approaching the person in question. By contrast, ‘anxiety attack’ sounds paltry, doesn’t it?The QuatrainOur first quatrain has us off to a great start! We have the right number of feet and the right rhyming pattern; we have visual language that has outlined a situation. Now it is time for quatrain #2:Delight in how the sun kisses your cheek; Tortu’r in how I wish that it were me! Mere audience with you is what I seek As though your heart were once again trusting.Can you identify the components that make this a valid quatrain?Now we know a bit more about the situation: the speaker has apparently broken the subject’s heart and is well aware of the fact. S/he is bitter about the supposed lack of potential trust; we see this in the last line. Imagine that line spat out with self-loathing!And we know that it is a sunny day.This build-up of information leads us directly into the next quatrain and, finally the couplet; the denouement of the situation:Ago, I saw you walking fair one day though fear forbade my presence should come near. Froze, the words that I could never say though in my heart remain so very dear. Delight in how the sun kisses your cheek; Tortu’r in how I wish that it were me! Mere audience with you is what I seek As though your heart were once again trusting.Ne’er! Your cry strikes such a cruel blow! Ne’er! Your mien doth passion-tly aver! How did I force love’s door on me to close When soul and mind, it all I gave to her?And then, Divine, the hand that turns your face! Our eyes, searing, questing, entwine, embrace.Note the rising passion throughout; the third quatrain full of fury and agony until the last two lines; a conclusion in direct contradiction of the rest of the poem.Also, there is an escalating use of poetic l icense. In fact, the more ardent the situation becomes the more license is given to express it all!Feel free to use helpful resources to find just the right words for your sonnet! Source: Pixabay Credit: Truth Seeker08A Helping Hand in Sonnet WritingInternalising the iambic pentameter and employing poetic license is child’s play compared to mastering the vocabulary necessary to write in this manner.Fortunately, in most cases you only need to know the words for what you want to say; a thesaurus and a rhyming dictionary can help you find the right words to tell your story in sonnet form.Some of the better ones we know of are: perfect for finding just the word you’re looking for! you can also find antonyms, should you know the opposite word of what you’re trying to express more than just a dictionary; it also offers meanings for common phrases! the simples t and perhaps easiest to use!Fortunately, we don't have to write with a quill pen, as Shakespeare did! Source: Pixabay Credit: Andreas160578Find Out More about Different Poetic FormsThe benefit of poetry is that there are lots of different styles  once you have tried sonnets poems. Give the other styles try, Limericks are light-hearted poems, historically  Japanese Haiku poetry is traditional, to show a feeling  an Epic style poem  would work well, Adding music? then the Ballad poetry style is  for you, If you are looking for a show of Friday night  visit a slam poetry  show or  listen to free verse poetry style. So many kinds of poetry, meaning you will find your best style of poetry.

GRE Practice (Tests) Make Perfect

GRE Practice (Tests) Make Perfect GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog As you're planning to take the GRE, you'll want to set up a structured study plan for yourself. There's no single, correct way to do this, and each student approaches this test slightly differently. Some students may opt for a rigorous prep course, while others might work with a tutor. Still other students strike off on their own, get a few books, sign up for a few online resources and study the material themselves. No matter which approach you decide to take, though, you'll want to find a way to structure your studying and measure your progressâ€"and one of simplest and most effective ways of doing that is to simply take tests as you go along. Practice testsâ€"and especially mock tests that simulate the test-day environment â€"are some of the best tools that you'll have at your disposal as you go get ready to take the GRE. First, they provide structure. If you're diligent about taking these tests at regular intervals, such as once a week, you'll get yourself into a good study rhythm, and lock in 2 or 3 hours of regimented practice in addition to your regular studying. Second, these tests give you a good assessment of how you're progressing. There's no guarantee how you'll do on any given testâ€"and this is true for the actual test as well as practice tests. But what you can do is use these practice tests to establish a score range, a general assessment of how well you're doing. If you take enough of these, and you're putting the work in, you should start to see an upward trajectory in your scores. Once you start to hit your target scores consistently, you'll know that you're fully capable of hitting those scores on test day. Practice tests should therefore be an integral part of any study program. But when should you take them, and how many tests are too many, or too few? That depends on you, of course, your schedule, and how long you've got until the test (you'll find some good approachesherefrom BrightLink Prep). As a rule of thumb, though, it's always good to begin any program of studyâ€"whether it's self-study or with a tutorâ€"with an initial practice test. Even if you've never seen the material before, this will give you a starting point. If you're studying on your own, you'll familiarize yourself with the test, and get a handle on what you need to focus on. If you're working with someone, use that first test to help the tutor work with you on a study plan. After that first test, aim for one full test a week, if you can, with one final test a few days before the real one. You don't want to cram too much in in that last week, and if you have an off-day on a practice test, you don't want that to carry over with you into the real one. Remember, as you're practicing, don't skip or pick and choose sectionsâ€"take the whole thing. By committing to a f ull test, even in practice, you'll condition yourself for the 3+ hour marathon you'll be facing on test day, and make it much less daunting. Similarly, you'll want to try to simulate the test environment during your practice testsâ€"that means no phones (even on your desk or table!), no distractionsâ€"and keep to the allotted time! Tests are easy to findâ€"here are two great resources for some good paper and computer-based ones: one from Prepscholar and this one from CrunchPrep. And keep in mind that each company, whether Kaplan, ETS, Manhattan, whicheverâ€"sometimes have slightly different styles to their practice tests that may influence your scores slightly. Also try to take at least two computer-based tests, as you'll most likely be taking one of these on test-day. None of this requires an overly large time commitmentâ€"just a few hours a week (in addition to your regular studying, of course!) to make sure you've got a structured framework, and progress that you can easily measure. And once you've gotten a feel for these practice tests, you'll be ready for anything they might throw at you on Test Day! About the Author Steve Markofsky is one of our most experienced and qualified test prep tutors. For more information on GRE tutoring and to see profiles of tutors like Steve, click here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Helping Your Kid Find Their Tribe

Helping Your Kid Find Their Tribe Last year, Huffington Post called it the catch phrase of our digital generation: Find Your Tribe. Its been used as a call for those seeking a like-minded community and its everywhere. Yoga groups. Cooking groups. Blogathons. Ultimate Frisbee clubs. You name it! But what seems like a luxury for most of us is actually a necessity for kids with ADHD: having a group of like-minded kids (and adults who support them) creates an environment that fosters learning, connection, and growth. Every parent wants their child to have friends, and its heartbreaking to see or hear of your child being excluded or left behind. But it becomes even more difficult when your child has ADHD and desperately wants to connect with others, but his or her impulsivity, distractibility, or social skills get in the way. So when you see your child struggling to connect, you want to help. But how? How can you help your child find their tribe? Lets start off by saying: your childs tribe doesnt need to be big! Researc h shows that for kids with ADHD having just one close friend can make a difference. Having quality friendships even with a small group can help build self-esteem and resiliency, and can of course reduce loneliness. Begin by getting your child involved in an activity that interests him or her. It may sound simple, a structured setting and an interesting activity will provide your child with the foundation that he or she needs to start building his or her tribe. Involve your child in choosing the activity, and make sure to put your own preferences and interests aside! If you push your child into signing up for something that he or she doesnt enjoy, you run the risk of having him or her feel alienated and different from the other kids who have enrolled because they are excited and interested. Watch and observe your child during the activity. Is he or she connecting with another child? Does it seem like both kids are having fun? If so, seek out the parent of the other child and suggest a follow-up play date. I noticed our sons really enjoyed todays planetarium workshop. My son loves space but doesnt have too many buddies who also share his interest. Would you and your son like to meet up at the museum sometime this month for a planetarium show together? The boys might enjoy connecting again over their love of space. Give your child the chance to reconnect with his or her new friend within the context of their shared interest before venturing into open-play opportunities. In addition to new activities, think about current activities that your child participates in. If your child attends a tutoring center, religious ed. class, or music lesson then he or she is meeting kids every day outside of school who have the potential to become good friends. Ask your child if theres anyone from his or her afterschool activities who he or she would like to hang out with. Help him or her come up with a plan for talking with this child about a shared interest, and then inviting them to get together outside of school preferably to do something related to something that they both enjoy. And lastly, during a get-together, provide your child with some subtle social skills coaching. Talk to him or her ahead of time about what it means to be a good host or a good guest. Remind your child to take turns, and to look out for his or her new friend to make sure they are having a good time. If your child isnt picking up on social cues, discretely pull him or her aside and give him or her some strategies to try out. If a conflict comes up, rock-paper-scissors is always a great tool to fall back on - it works just about every time! Helping your child find his or her tribe can build self-confidence and help your child feel more comfortable in his or her own skin. A little support from parents can go a long way in helping kids with ADHD make valuable connections that may just turn into the close childhood friendships that they have been missing. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Difference between SINCE and FOR English Lesson via Skype

Difference between SINCE and FOR English Lesson via Skype Many of my students have difficulty with understanding the difference between SINCE and FOR.As youve probably noticed, I dont like lengthy complicated   explanations, so a while ago I created this short video lesson that will help you better understand the difference between them. Hopefully, this is clear. Difference between SINCE and FOR - Video Lesson Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world: Difference between SINCE and FOR - Transcript Hi there.  Welcome to Harrys World of  Words and Phrases and English in a  Minute.Were now going to talk about the  difference between  SINCE  and FOR. They  can be used in lots of different ways.Just to try and simplify matters, Im  just going to give you a couple of  examples as to when we use them and the  differences.SINCEwe always use with the  perfect tenses.  Okay.  And when we use since,  we go back to the beginning,  when  something started.So let me give you  some examples.Ive known about the job  since January.  go back to JanuaryI have  not been to the zoo since last year.  go  back to last yearHe has wanted to go to  America since he read the stories of  Huckleberry Finn.  going back to his  childhoodOkay. So lets look at for.FORwhen  we use for its always about specific  periods of time.Im going to give you  the exact same examples but just show  you how we can use for.I have known  about the job for six weeks.  at a  specific period of time six weeksI have  not b een to the zoo for eight months. that particular period of time,  specific  period of eight monthsI have wanted to  go to America for years.  a specific  period yearsOkay. So these are the  differences between since and for and  how we use them in English.Don’t forget that we can only use SINCE with HAVE, HAS or HAD (the perfect tenses)Okay.  So as always subscribe to our  YouTube Channel Learn English with Harry and join us on and well catch up with you very soon. For or Since? MP3 Difference between SINCE and FOR - What's the Difference

Become a memory guru

Become a memory guru The Journey method of memorising important information is something I came across absolutely accidentally and it struck me how simple and absolutely brilliant it is. Sadly the times of me taking exams have passed but I can still use the technique for shopping lists, phone numbers or addresses. I have always been a big fan of Top Gear and was excited to see that James May has restarted his Man's Lab show which teaches people lost skills. In the first episode of the new series what caught my attention the most is that he was asked to commentate on the Grand National - the most valuable horse race in Europe. In order to be able to cover the race James had to learn 40 horses' names and the colours of their attire. As he only had a few days to prepare for this challenge he asked Dominic O'Brien, the world memory champion, for advice on how to memorise these quickly. Dominic met up with James in a countryside inn where he explained in practice how to use the Journey method to easily remember information. They explored the back garden and attached horses' names and colours to different places around the garden in a way that resembled the names or the patterns in order to make it easier to memorise. By doing that, James was able to successfully commentate on the race with a little help from his sidekick Rory. The Journey method itself originated from Ancient Greece and is based on three main features: imagination, association and location. Imagination helps make regular things more memorable especially if a little bit of fantasy is added so that in your mind, the information you need to remember stands out. When it comes to association, we make connections all the time and don't even stop to notice how it works as it is so natural, but we can also create new artificial association in order to make the forgettable information stand out. And obviously, location is the main ingredient in this method where imagination and association come to help. When using this method you attach a piece of information to a particular place and create a sort of informational journey through your house, town or park - any location will work as long as you know it very well. By creating associations between the information and a place it is very easy to revisit it in your mind when you need to access it. The number of journeys you can create is limitless and you can remember each for a very long time as long as you keep revisiting them regularly. In order to help your brain cope with so much new information you should also focus on healthy wellbeing. Healthy sleeping pattern, no junk food, no binge drinking, exercising and getting all the vitamins will not only boost your mental capacity to remember information but also will make you feel a lot better in general. Training your memory this way and feeding your brain will also benefit you in the long term as it will stave off the symptoms of dementia and will allow you to enjoy a healthy mind for longer. And of course you will never have to worry about where you have left your car or what you needed to buy in the supermarket!

Why Take a Community College Class Over the Summer

Why Take a Community College Class Over the Summer 5 Reasons to Take a Community College Class Over the Summer Many students enroll in community college to get an AA or AS degree before moving on to a four-year institution. Alternatively, many students start their college education at a four-year university working towards a Bachelors degree from the beginning. Students from both institutions have the opportunity to take a class over the summer at their local community college. Students already enrolled in a local community college will be able to get a class out of the way and work towards graduation while students attending a four-year institution in the same state may be able to use community college credits as elective units towards their degree our private Los Angeles college tutors are here to help you make the most of your summer. 1.   More attention from the instructor Summer courses tend to offer a smaller class size and more attention from an instructor. When educators have 50+ students in their classes they dont have a lot of time to give to each individual student but, summer classes often mean class sizes of 15 to 20 students where the instructor can get to know each and every participant and give them the individual attention they need to be successful. Students who are tired of the giant lecture halls theyve attended during the year will probably love these more intimate summer courses where they can actually interact in a small group setting. 2.   Eight-week courses Many community colleges offer eight week courses during the summer as opposed to the 16 to 20 week classes offered during the year. This means that ambitious students can get a course started and finished in about half the time they would spend during the year. It also means that they need to be diligent about finishing homework assignments and projects but, most students will only take one or two classes during summer term so the workload is not unreasonable. Whether a student is taking a core class or an elective, its nice to accomplish something important in such a short time (San Diego Tutoring Tips: 5 Ways to Help Your Kids Finish Their Homework on Time) . 3.   Explore elective courses Summer term also offers a great opportunity to explore an elective class that might not be available during the year. When students are bogged down with core subjects or studying day and night working towards their major, they often dont get a chance to really enjoy some of the general education classes available to them. Perhaps a student always wanted to throw pottery, practice yoga, or learn about interior design. Many of these elective courses count towards graduation and can also be a fun opportunity to learn something new and socialize with like-minded people. 4.   Graduate on time or early It seems like, these days, students are struggling to graduate on time whether they are studying at a two or four year college. Many classes are impacted, meaning there are more students who want to take the course than seats available, and students often have trouble even filling their schedule with any four classes that count towards graduation. On the other hand, most students go home during the summer and focus on relaxation or work at their part-time job. This leaves an open opportunity for willing students to take a class or two over the summer that will ensure their graduation on time or even early. 5.   Enjoy a more relaxed academic environment Summer classes tend to offer a more relaxed academic environment. This is especially true for four-year university students who choose to take a community college class near their home in person or online. Whether a student is at a two or four-year college, they should check ahead of time that the class they want to sign up for will count towards their graduation. Once a student has done their fact checking, they can enjoy a more calm and engaging environment throughout the summer term. Whether you didnt do as well as youd like this past semester or just want to get a head start on next year, our in-home Los Angeles college tutors are here to help. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.